Status-ul este cea mai usoara si cea mai ieftina modalitate de a transmite un gand bun tuturor celor dragi, starea ta intr-un anumit moment indiferent ca este vorba de parinti, colegi, frati, profesori sau iubiti.


Statusuri celebre in Engleza

– The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it made. (Groucho Marx)
– Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. (Sir James Dewar)
– Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first. (Mark Twain)
– Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises. (Samuel Butler)
– The man who never makes a mistake always takes orders from one who does.
– We think in generalities, but we live in details. (Alfred North Whitehead)
– One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down. (Proverb from Romania and Russia)
– Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd. (Voltaire)
– Deal with the faults of others as gently as with your own. (Chinese Proverb)
– A classic is a book which people praise and don’t read. (Mark Twain)
– Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think. (Niels Bohr)
– The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch somebody else doing it wrong, without comment. (T. H. White)
– History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
– Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality. (Jules de Gaultier)
– The important thing is never to stop questioning. (Albert Einstein)
– Every really new idea looks crazy at first. (Alfred North Whitehead)
– A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything, and the value of nothing. (Oscar Wilde)
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